I haven’t posted here for a long time. I actually was going to post about the 25th anniversary of Terminator 2 and various thoughts on that and the upcoming Terminator 2 3D release which is supposed to hit the US market in 2017. But…
In February I lost one of my First Line of Defense Heroes, Sachairi, to old age and liver disease. It was heartbreaking. Then we got hit with both of our other Terminator Spotters getting terrifying diagnosis the next month at their “routine” vet visit.
Gráinne, our Greyhound has leukemia. That was the one that sounded most horrifying. Gleann’s calcium was high….how dire that was took awhile for us to comprehend. While her white blood count and lack of symptoms means that we just need to get regular blood testing and will someday face chemo, right now Gráinne’s condition is stable.
However, Gleann’s calcium levels are rising and over the summer we finally got the funds to find out that it is primary hyperparathyroidism caused by a nodule in one of his parathyroid glands. We need to get this removed as soon as possible, we’re already running way behind because of how long this took to get a diagnosis!

And please go to and share our fundraiser link! And donate if you can. I have perks available and am looking for more. There may even be more Terminator related items on there as well. There are only a couple more days left from where we’d hoped to have the surgery scheduled, but it appears we may have to extend it. BUT we don’t know how long he has, before damage might be done! So please! Share and donate and bid if you can!
2 thoughts on “Terminator Spotter In Need!”