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Now that we’ve seen Terminator: Dark Fate a few times, this is being caught up. I’m very grateful for the assistance I have received in this project from mother and daughter Sarah and Grace cosplayers Suzi and Jessica Edmonds as well as Luke Lorenson. Yet they should not be blamed for any mistakes I might make.
(if this has entertained or helped you, please consider the work put in and go leave a tip, especially as this is a very difficult time for us right now)
This is still a work in progress! Last update 5/6/2022
Note: The following links are not anything that The Sarah Connor Charm School is affiliated with and are just to show an option. In most cases, you want to shop around, anyway. Please do consider ethical non-sweatshop sources when possible as well as buying from local shop keepers when you can.
First Outfit
UPDATE 5/6/22: tags in the Propstore auction in 2022 confirm the identification of the brand: The first is those pants uglyBrosUSA Motorpool-G : They turned out to be rather easy to find and I think I did so on first day and this was the one thing I am one I was surest about (aside from the shotgun and the belt buckle) right down to the exact product. The good news is that if you want them either for cosplay or just because you love them, you can get these exact pants (barring any customizing done by wardrobe). These are motorcycle jeans by uglyBros USA , the women’s Olive Motorpool-G. The bad news is that they run about $330. While there are other moto jeans out there that have the stretch panel over the knee and are similar, I am quite positive on this for an exact match especially with the cargo pocket. Just not sure about the split hem over over her boots, as all other photos I’ve found of them have them tucked in.
Apparently skinny moto jeans are now the post-apocalyptic must have, at least if you go by The 100.
Sarah? Honestly, these are great looking pants, but I totally question Sarah wearing them over a pair of tactical pants with, say, 14 pockets. She doesn’t even ride a motorcycle in this.
Me? No, thanks. They look way too tight for comfort and just not enough pockets. I like low-rise tactical pants, black, 14 pockets is always nice. I can buy a lot for what one pair of these cost.
Cosplayers? You can sometimes find “deals” for them online, but some of those sites seem pretty suspicious. Sizes are pretty narrow (take the pun there or not), as well, and you’ll want to read their instructions on measuring as they’re, uh, different. The men’s version run slightly bigger but not a lot (men’s also come in a K for Kevlar version, cargo pocket is different, though). You might find some close but not exact searching for “moto jeans,” finding them in olive drab green with cargo pockets might be difficult. It depends, of course, on how accurate you are wanting to go and what your modification skills might be.
Black Women’s V-neck T-shirt: Wait, is it black? I really think it is this time. No clue on brand, but this is where “so basic you can surely find something” comes in.
Sarah? Sure, why not? Although I admit I do kind of wish she was in a tank again.
Me? I do already at times. When possible, and it is getting harder all the time, I like sweatshop free options which is why I linked this brand.
Cosplayers? I don’t think this is a problem.
UPDATED 5/6/2022: Belt Coyote Brown with AustriAlpin Cobra belt buckle in the auction listing this had a Elite Survival Systems tag and may have been their Tactical EDC Cobra Pants Belt, however, you will only find this with matching belt buckle colors. So, either Elite Survival Systems had this color with a silver buckle in the past or it was customized. Obviously, the wardrobe department could sew the buckle onto webbing themselves.
Sarah? Hell, yeah! But probably would indeed go for the less shiny matching buckle to avoid flash. She likely lost the belt when taken into custody, obviously; but I’d bet on her getting another such belt, probably less shine.
Me? Hell, yeah! These are great buckles and I wear tactical web belts already and really would love one. Black or Wolf Gray, though, with matching buckle. But I’m looking at that no time soon due to costs. Seriously, these are awesome buckles and is the one thing, other than basic black Ts, that I consider a practical thing that I’m happy to copy from this movie so far.
Cosplayers? If you are putting it on $350 jeans you are probably okay getting an $60+ belt. Or more if you search for one ready made in coyote brown with a silver buckle. But you may feel the buckle color is not an issue or customize it yourself, either painting or, if you have the means (and I know some cosplayers are this into it) put the buckle on yourself. Another tactical belt with a different style buckle might work just fine, as well, if you’re on a budget. But it’s a great buckle, so if it’s something you might want to wear enough for the bucks, get a good belt for it to be on.
Nixon Regulus Watch in sand. This is confirmed as of May 23, 2019 from the trailer and other photos. But I still can’t believe I identified it and did so within minutes of looking at watches. But the combination the square face, a sand band with square holes and a black buckle of that particular shape made it the only match I could find. The new photos do show face and the button configurations.
Sarah? Sure, I guess, it’s supposed to be a good watch. She apparently loses this, as well as her belt (and weapons).
Me? No way. That’s an expensive watch to kill, so I’d have to wear it in a covered band and I can wear any watch in the covered band so why spend that?
Cosplay? I guess it also depends on how much you want to spend and maybe if you want a new watch. I though military/sport watches in this color would be more common than they are but no luck. That covered watch band (even if OD green with black Velcro is impossible to find as the Velcro matches now) was real handy to hide your watch or not even have one.
Frye Women’s Engineer Combat Boots: These are moved to identified. Oddly, when I was first working on this, before I got around to considering the boots, FB started pumping Frye Boot adds and when I saw these I recognized them as, at least, similar. However, this close-up from a photo first released to Vanity Fair shows that the soles do match! Coincidence or
Skynet Legion?
Would Sarah? Really, I’d like to see black eyelets blending with the boot. I could probably see her in a different sole, but might be just projecting my preferences. So it’s a maybe
Would I wear? Fryes have never been a comfortable fit for me, I’m still sticking to my combat boots.
Cosplayers? If you’re cosplaying at a con, I recommend wearing what ever style black boot you are comfortable in and fit your budget. Your pant legs would be covering them, anyway. Fryes are a nice boot if you’re looking to spend the money, find them comfortable and intend to wear them a lot given the price. AND if they are in-stock, which as of 5/27/2019 they apparently are not.
Aviator sunglasses: I can’t believe I have identified the watch but not the exact sunglasses. Unlike the very unique Matsuda 2089 of T2, these are much more basic aviators. They are distinctive, however, in having plastic/acetate rims that match the lenses, with gold on the outside, no screws showing. This is not uncommon, in itself, but it’s hard to search for (not all sites give very full descriptions of the glasses). One issue is that the early unofficial photos they looked brown lenses like her personal glasses but with brown rims, but the official photos look like they are smoke lenses with black rims. Going with the smoke/black these seem close, but at about $50 US they seem cheaper than most of what she has (and those Matsuda’s), while a bit pricey for cosplay. Cosplayer Suzi Edmonds found these, which at about $8 also are a good match
Oddly, I think I found her own personal sunglasses that we often see her wearing in fan photos off the set, which are aviators as well, but different than the on-screen ones.
Sarah? Sure, why not. She seems to like them, as she likely lost them to Border Patrol, but is wearing them at the end, she replaced them or already had extras.
Me? Sure, why not. I do have some little round aviators, and, yes, because they reminded me of the Matsuda pair without being exact copies (which Magnoli Clothiers weren’t making yet). I do prefer wraparound sport glasses for regular wear, however, as I’m often on the move and they stay on better.
Cosplayers? Well, some might want the exact match so hopefully that will be identified. but aviators can also be considered “so basic you can find something that works” anywhere from $8 (again, thanks to Suzi Edmonds for the find) to $50 to very likely several thousands of dollars.
The ballistic vest: This isn’t a real thing or it’s seriously obscure. I have searched, I have talked to vets, tactical magazine photographers and others and no one has seen anything like this, some of them have been asking others with gear knowledge. This somewhat resembles a plate carrier with PALS (Pouch Attachment Ladder System) webbing, but without bulk producing plates, of course.. However, while it has standard PALS webbing on the top, the cummerbund, which where you’d hang most of you gear with a MOLLE (MOdular Lightweight Load-bearing Equipment) or similar system, is not PALS. PALS is uniform, 1 inch wide webbing, 1 inch apart, sewn at 1.5 inch intervals; like on the top part which is a PALS panel. Rather than having holsters and pouches hooked to PALS like plate carriers tend to have, this webbing is made to fit the grenades and revolver she’s carrying. I have yet to see a system like that. Also, most vests stop rather high on the waist and if they add more below it’s detachable and goes all the way down to protect the groin and upper thighs. The upper part of the back of the vest has only one tab.
Costume designer Ngila Dickson does have a good bit of experience in fantasy body armor designs, given some of her past work. I’m not sure why they went with a non-standard design like this, other than perhaps aesthetics. And it is more attractive than plate carriers tend to look. Face it, they’re bulky even before plates are added, let along gear pouches. This is actually a disappointment to me, I’d like to see a more realistic looking vest, even if it was still highly modified for aesthetics.
Of course, I and my sources may we proven way wrong and this thing exists in real life. Please let me know if so!
Sarah? I think she’d be more likely to actually wear an actual plate carrier and to use the PALS as it’s meant to be used. But it’s not going to be very useful against a Terminator that can more precisely get a head shot than a human, anyway. Ballistic vests work because for humans aiming for center mass first is the most effective way to stop a person. (She apparently ditches it after they get to the hotel, or it’s packed which indicates no plates)
Me? Obviously, not this one. I’ll never say never for an actual ballistics vest, world is looking pretty grim these days.
Cosplayers? You’ll need to make (or get made) someting from scratch or re-do a real or airsoft vest. There are several (or possibly one with different “brandings”) online places claiming to offer replicas in leather, using only photos of Linda none of the supposed product, and I certainly wouldn’t pay the prices they’re asking to hope that it looks anything like this at all. Or even exist.
Some Updating 5/6/22 from Propstore auction: Field Jacket: At this point I have found no exact match, possibly custom made, no manufacturer’s label was apparent in auction photos. It’s clearly a basic field or safari jacket design, with a “self-belt” style back, no other belt or belt loop. Tan, hip length, epaulets, for flap pockets.
Sarah? Yeah, it’s pretty basic functional outerwear
Me? I mean, I’d prefer black, but I’d wear it if I had it and needed a jacket.
Cosplayers? Good addition if you need a jacket, you can probably find a safari jacket, likely second hand, and doctor it up a bit.
2nd Outfit
UPDATE 5/6/22: Label from the Propstore auction indicates that the brand is Current/Elliott but what style I have no idea. Black (wash) Jeans: They appear to be low to medium rise, like the moto jeans above, the hem is short, falling above her boots, with a slit on the outside. I can’t find any from this brand with such a slit. On screen they look black, in the auction photos they look dark blue, in the closeup of the waistband in the label photo they look black-washed over blue.
Sarah? These are likely Alicia’s so I suppose she might not have had tact pants available. TBH, I think this is a misfire on wardrobe’s part, if it was between regular skinny jeans and sticking with the uglyBros, I think she’d opt for the latter even if they were able to walk away on their own by then.
Me? I used to wear black jeans all the time, but never “skinny jeans.” And growing up “gangly” I have left over issues with “high-water” pants. I don’t care if it’s like a fashion thing now, I mean, I don’t care about fashion much anyway. Also like to be able to tuck my pants in boots, because ticks. And now I don’t wear jeans much at all, just not enough damn pockets.
Cosplayers? Well, here’s where these really do work great, because you really could use any black jeans that you favor. Or you could look through Current/Elliott for ones that are a match, likely finding them used if they existed, which would save you some money, too. You could do skinny if you like, but could easily get way with a more relaxed fit. You’d want to have the lower leg snug and short, but apparently you can find that easily enough but you can modify (or get modified) if you can’t.
Long- or 3/4-sleeve Olive Drab Green V-neck T-shirt: This is also called “military green” now, apparently. I’ve yet to find a clear match. Not sure of sleeve length as Linda wears them pushed up, which also means it really doesn’t matter.
Sarah? Yeah, it’s practical if you want a longer sleeve. This is probably also Alicia’s.
Me? I wear shirts like this when weather is cooler, long sleeve. My issues with sleeves being too short isn’t quite as bad as my issue with high-water pants, mostly because I will just push them up a bit more, but I tend to like having a full long sleeve. Oh, and in black not any shade of green.
Black “ballistic” vest: At first glance looks more realistic, being shorter and having features one can find on ballistic vests. But usually not on the same vests. And the wrong end of the buckles are attached to the vest (to remove an accessory attached to these you’d have to do one side at a time, using both hands, instead of using one hand on each, pushing the tabs and pulling it off all at once…and, of course, you’d have to have accessories that have the “female” end of the buckle instead of the “male”).
Sarah? As noted above, she’d wear a real ballistic vest.
Me? Hey, looking more and more like I might want to see about it.
Cosplayers? This one might actually be a bit easier to hunt down something to work with. And you’d also be set if you decided to cosplay Grace or Dani.
Black leather belt with nickle/silver colored single-sided roller buckle:
Sarah? *shrug* Alicia probably just gave her one of her least interesting belts.
Me? Nah.
Cosplayer? Another piece that is so basic an exact match is really difficult. But there are a lot of options that are close.
Weapons (I’ll be updating this one more soon)
Thermobaric Grenades: You can see that one has “obaric” written on it and therefore the rest of the word is likely wrapped around each of them. I can’t think of any other grenade related word that matches and if you’re fighting Terminators, I suppose this is a good option.
Would Sarah? Yeah, it makes sense. Not sure it would destroy a Terminator completely, but it’ll mess it up, burn off the skin (of the T800s and the like) to destroy any cover…I see it.
Me? Yeah, right.
Cosplayers may find replicas that can be easily doctored or probably rig something up. Of course any and all fake weapons for cons are subject to particular con rules.
Chiappa Rhino Revolver most likely the 40DS: Thanks to Luke Lorenson and Jessica Edmonds for the specific model ID.
Sarah? Yeah, I guess. They’re good guns, she somehow obviously has resources. Not sure I’d see it as her first choice. As it is, we never see her use it. It doesn’t make another showing after the bridge. Stashed? Packed and confiscated by Border Patrol?
Me? Not enough of a fan for the price. I suppose f I had the money, it might be added to the collection that I would have if I had the money, but it wouldn’t be must-have.
Cosplayers? While it’s actually easy to find replicas of the 60DS model, due to Harley Quinn (which are, of course, blinged out) and Ghost in the Shell, not so much the shorter 40DS. However, Jessica Edmonds was able to do a 3D printout for her mom, Suzi’s, Sarah costume.
Serbu Super Shorty Shotgun Remington 870 version, with holster. There’s no mistaking this. Note: the link is 404 and further searching shows that the actual gun and the holster are no longer available. So right now, if you found one it will likely be going for far more than the $1,000 it had been.
Would Sarah? We now know how she acquired it and with that have a good idea of why she kept it and used it when hunting Terminators. In fact, someone could write a thesis on her choosing to carry this weapon all this time. Again, we don’t see this later and she either stashed it and might retrieve it or Border Patrol has it. She likely worked through a lot of the issues out through the course of the movie, anyway.
Me? I’ll stick to my full length Mossberg. Although if I were suddenly flush and wanted to jump through the Title II hoops for an AOW (or civilization completely collapses) I might do the Mossberg version, up close works for home defense. If I could find one, that is, which doesn’t seem likely. Okay, I might pick up the Airsoft mentioned below if I feel a need to even spend that much.
Cosplayers? This is updated to note that Jessica Edmonds found an Airsoft take on the Super Shorty and her mom Suzi shared the link with us. At $290, it’s pricey (the shotgun, however, went for about $1,000 when available and would likely go for far more if you found one), but it might be worth it especially if you also play (please note warning on losing the warranty if you one-arm pump it!). Otherwise, you might need to doctor a cheaper “sawed-off” if you can even go realistic. They don’t have a replica of the holster, unfortunately, but if you can make the vest you might be able to replicate the holster.
M72 LAW (Light Anti-Tank Weapon) Rocket Launcher: One-shot anti-tank weapon.
Would Sarah? Yeah, probably, it should slow down a Terminator. Of course, as it’s only usable one time and expensive…..well, she obviously has resources.
Would I? Not likely to, no. Although it’s one bit of cosplay I might sort of do if Linda does more cons in the future and I ever get to one, as described below.
Cosplayers? Evike has had two makes of Airsoft that might be useful (if Airsoft is allowed at the Con), but at the time I’m adding this they are both out-of-stock. When in stock they are pricey. The Avengers brand goes for about $230, the Deepfire brand goes for $350, otherwise they seem indistinguishable like the just copied the entire page and changed brand name and price.
Actually I think this the best weapon for cons, ever. At least if you are also there to get autographs. Get an OD green document tube or paint one, doctor it up with some bits and you can find paintball/Airsoft stickers for sale online then you have something that probably won’t be banned from any con, it’s just a document tube, and a place to safely carry your photos and posters. Unless you plan to pose with it like you are firing, you only have to make it look like they do closed, which simplifies the build some. (full disclosure I probably only thought of this because this “weapons savvy” critic commenting on the first photo wrote, “Judging from the storage tube strapped to Linda Hamilton’s back, we can conclude that, since the events of T2, Sarah Connor has gained employment as an architect.” When I got over the WTF? I realized, hey, maybe I can work with that…and if I do try a DIY, as I do have posters to take should Hamilton do a con I can get to, I’ll post my attempt.)
FosTech Origin 12 Gauge 18″ Semi-Auto Shotgun with 30-round drum: This is the one she steps out of the truck with.
Sarah? Sure, she clearly has resources so what’s $3,000 of gun? And she clearly learned that you want a lot of shells to go against a Terminator with a shotgun.
Me? Yeah, next time I have $3,000 lying around. No, for real, if I had the funds to collect, say on the level of Car’s armory (btw, I live in a state which is actually more 2A friendly than Texas has ever been, but….reputation isn’t always about reality), it would be relatively high up on the list.
Cosplayers? Well, word is that KRYTAC has been licensed to make an Airsoft of FosTech’s Origin 12 but only the short barreled version, which would not match unless you added to it (and it will be pricey, I’m sure). It also is still in design with no word on when it might be released. You may find another Airsoft or replica of a semi-auto and put a drum on it and get the look. However, we don’t know if we’ll even see this one again. The Serbu Super Shorty is likely to be her more signature shotty.
Gerber Silver Trident knife: This knife apparently is no longer in production, either. Thanks to SCCS supporter Luke Lorenson who IDed this blade that she is shown with in this portrait. This was apparently only a prop for this photo, unless I blink at the same time every time I watch Dark Fate. (feel free to let me know, if so)
Sarah? Probably. But we can’t rule out that she abandoned it in this bench like she did the Bowie in the picnic table.
Me? It’s a decent knife, but I think a bit pricey for what it is even when still being produced.
Cosplayers? Again, it seems the knife never appears in the movie, so you might want to skip it. However, this training knife, which Luke Lorenson noted is based on a Randall combat knife, is the closest fake I can find so far but would need a bit of doctoring.