- Fitness and Physical Training – theory as well as practical
- Strength Training
- individualized programs and muscle confusion methods
- Cardiovascular
- individualized and cross-training
- Stretching
- basic and more advanced Yoga
- Strength Training
- Martial Arts and Self-Defense
- Self Defense
- Full-Impact Self-Defense
- Weapons of Expedience
- Defensive Firearms – in conjunction with Weapons Training
- Martial Arts
- Combative/Defensive Style
- Sports Martial Art Style
- Self Defense
Weapons Training – theory as well as practical
- Handgun – basic through advanced combative
- Rifle
- basic through advanced combative
- Shotgun
- basic through advanced combative
- Knives
- Explosives
- creation and disarming
- Advanced Military Weapons Training
- Survivalism
- Home and Self Preparations
- Bug-out/Bug-in Kit Creation (outside link for now)
- Large Scale Food and Supply Storage
- Sustainable Food Production and Life Skills
- Home Defense – in conjunction with Weapons Training and Self-Defense
- Wilderness Survival
- Urban Survival
- Home and Self Preparations
- Emergency Medical Training – in conjunction with Survivalism
- Basic Field First Aid
- Advanced EMS
- Wilderness EMS
- Animal Training
- Dogs
- Obedience – all levels
- Shutzhund
- Search and Rescue
- Alert Dogs
- Horse Training
- Natural Horsemanship – all levels
- Search and Rescue
- Other Species as needed – Please note, we do not train cats, they work with us or not as they choose
- Dogs
- Liberal Arts
- Literature
- Feminist Literature
- Literature and Warfare
- Literature as Propaganda
- Languages
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- German
- Indigenous Languages of the areas we may be in, too varied to list, are offered as teachers are available
- World History
- Women’s History
- Philosophy
- Science and Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Biology
- Chemistry – in conjunction with Explosives
- The Arts
- Performing Arts
- Dance
- Drama
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Painting, drawing
- Photography
- Sculpture
- Writing
- Prose
- NonFiction
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Prose
- Performing Arts
- Literature